
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

try not to Hate thy neighbor

Let me first say that my column’s whole mission is to make you laugh. And if on accident I discourage one abled body princess from parking in the handicap section at the mall, I’m doing a good thing. And it’s ok if I poke fun at my friends because the next time we’re at dinner, they’ll find away to punish me. They won’t cut up my steak until I apologize or something horrible like that. So it’s all good.

I promised myself that if I wrote a column today it would be my view on some latest event, because there’s not usually drama on a Monday night in my house. Big drama last night…

This is a bit of a challenge because I’m trying to find the sacastic humor in this event without permanently burning bridges… But then again its hard to worry about burning bridges when it exploded.

People are odd. I’ve been very lucky because I’ve made instant friends who have been with me, most thirteen years or more. In fact it strange to think about but on a timeline, Bobby would be considered a newer relationship, coming in at only ten years. In the past 5 years, I’ve made three new friends, one just this year. I mean I made a handful of buddies who I adore, but I don’t use the word friend lightly. When I call you my friend it means I expect you to shoot spit wads at my funeral. And all my friends just had the same reply: “but Claire, Why wait?”

I suck at a lot of things. But I think I’m a good, loyal friend. And the two things I hope to leave Nicholas is the thirst to always learn and the importance of having a handful of friends who will always have your back. So imagine my horror when I got a phone call saying Nicholas’ best friend of 4 years would be unavailable to play anymore.

I would love to bitch about every detail of the call but I won’t. It was just odd and I was accused of being a burden. I’m a catholic and live with guilt on a daily basis. I’m so good I could probably think of a reason why global warming was my fault… and believe it!

I was up all night wondering what caused this unfortunate event. And I’m totally bewildered, a tad depressed, and just plain angry. Nothing unusual happened last night when they played together.

I’m sorta leaning towards believing the parent was having a bad day. Because by accident over the years I’ve gotten to know their older kids, I think I even love them as nieces. I refuse to say I love them as daughters because I’d feel 100 years old, but its true. And they tell me stuff. But I’m sure Nicholas will refer to me as the satan a few times before I croak. So I’ve taken there complaints with a grain of salt. Teen Drama stuff.

Even though I felt shell shocked, I sorta always expected it, just further in the future. As mad as I am, I refuse to bad mouth Nicholas’ best friend’s parent in front of Nicholas. And I’m about 85% sure this will blow over. But how can I ever let Nicholas play with them again without worrying is this the last time? Do I tell my adopted girls they can’t grab a coke? This is really tearing me up. For Nicholas’ sake, I’d even consider apologizing but I have no idea for what.

Aside from Nicholas being scarred for life can we get to the real problem. Because the world does, in fact, revolved around me. This whole freakish incident is gonna cost me a trip to toy-r-us and Chuck-e-cheese. Damnit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what happened, honey, but this much I do know: IT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE PERFECT! Nick, well, almost perfect. Therefore, it must be the neighbor's fault.

Your friend of 13+ years

7/6/05 2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just sucks is all......

7/6/05 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, That was harsh! I mean, I'll talk behind your back and in front of your back, but I would never try to separate kids from playing!!! Jeeze! Claire, this wasn't your fault. It wasn't Nick's fault. I blame the President. It's his fault.

Your buddy of....hmmn... 2 years?

8/6/05 12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah ... WTF??? Burden??? I think I may need to "enlighten" somebody down there.

8/6/05 5:34 PM  

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