
Monday, January 16, 2006

Just one more

My name is claire and I have a new addiction. I am not alone in my new obsession but I'm not sure my co-dependants are ready to admit they have a problem so until then I must use the royal "we".


It started out as a normal Saturday night. We decided to go out for pizza. Everything was fine. Then we debated whether to go to the movies or something else. This was a fork in the road that would change our lives forever, ok maybe not forever but at least the next few foreseeable weekends. If we just stuck to the plan and went to the movies, it would be ok…


He suggested we go by walmart and he would buy the night's entertainment. I figure since it wasn't a liquor store we were safe. When he revealed the surprised, my co-heart was excited, I was tempted but I had my doubts…


Yet I wanted the cool kids to like me…I silently promised myself I'd try 2 and if I didn't feel anything, I'd play games on my notebook and watch them enjoy the entertainment…


The first one was tempting, I was hooked by the third. By the 6th I knew we would spend all of our free time watching this til we were all caught up.  My name is Claire Theriot Mestepey and I'm officially addicted to the television show 24. I blame one person for buying the first season and I blame the other for making me watch this season simultaneously. Now all these questions rattle in my head, the only way I'll find peace is to watch the 87 shows in between…


This show is so addictive that We even vowed not to do it on weekdays and never alone… but Y'all, Friday is so far off… Can't we sneak a couple in? and I thought about it… if I had a coke per episode I could stay up all night… I need a hit, I hear the "dink dink" in my head.


Oops I was trying to turn the tv on and accidentally turned on the dvd player. Damn my spasms… hell it won't turn off… Look, Hi Jack Bowman… I missed you…


I'll just ffinish my ccolumnm tomo….


p.s. oh don’t get in a twit, I’m not watching it. But hypothetically if I was would you take 3 seconds to kick my butt then realize hey, since we are here… I’m just saying…

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My Announcement

For the last few years, I’ve been hiding a secret. Especially from my family and my closest oldest friends. I have 2 new friends who have never known me any other way so that helped but could my best friends handle it? Would my mom feel disgraced? At first it made me sad, then mad, them embarrus. Would I lose their respect if I admitted my true feelings?


As the months passed, I secretly embraced my new lifestyle. It even excited me. I no longer felt confined. And I finally decided this was the Christmas. I would announce to the world this is who I am.


The reactions were pretty much as I predicted. All my college friends said they saw it coming but as long as I excepted it and they still got crip parking, I was still tolerable. My family had a harder time dealing with it. My dad was proud. My siblings understood. My mother had the worse but the most predictable response, if I truly loved my husband and son, I’d never let it go this far… There are hospitals…


I feel a great relief has been lifted of my shoulders. I can now enter any friends house proudly without them looking horrified. As for mom, she’ll get used to it and in about 8 to ten years I can parade my new lifestyle in her house.


And now I’d like to come out here. I, Claire Theriot Mestepey, am a… a full time wheelchair user. I like it. I go faster. I do more. (oh come on, what did yall think?)


May this year we all are healthy, no matter if we are marathon runners or happily racing around the camp grounds in electric wheelchairs. May we all have a little more money in our pockets. And may we have endless Saturday nights of playing with each other hair. Because it in my kitchen, surrounded by friends I truly am myself.


So I wish all of you a very happy new years. May 2006 be a year filled with good health, much laughter, and endless possibilities.