
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Carebears, Girls, and Satan

I'm trying to raise Nicholas to be very accepting, all races…  Creeds… Religions… Homosexuals… Republicans… (Yes, that's a slam against one particular gay and one particular republican…) so imagine my horror when he told me he hated… GIRLS!

And the boy is already in denial, he's like, "but mommy I'll make exceptations." I always tease him because every night he rides his bike with this cute older chick named Jenny. She's 11. I feel the need to repeatedly remind him that Jenny, in fact is a girl. He just rolls his eyes and ignores me… like all good males in my life do.

I keep pushing it because Nicholas's cute when he's all worked up, just like his daddy. Every night about 8:45 he gets super lovey with me. I ask him if he's afraid of getting cooties and he says "mommies don't have cooties." And he continues kissing me. I fool myself into think it's because I'm an awesome mom. And Nicholas tries to resist me all day but the affection builds up until he just can't stand it anymore… Kill joys, I know he's know its bedtime and I can't be mad when he's hugging me. Thanks for bursting my bubble. 

Another thing, the boy seems to have a deep, hateful prejudice, against… Carebears. Where did it come from? You know how they say prejudice is pass down. May I say that's crap. From the age of 9 months to 4 years old, I told Nicholas, Barney was Satan…. Still he worship the purple devil once a day, twice if I allowed it.

I never pushed Carebears one way or another. But about 7 months ago he came from his cousins all uppity, younger Dylan was watching Carebears and Nicholas was totally offended. I thought a cute story would help so I told him Carebears made mommy smile because the only nickname that my friends call me… that I can share… was Clairebear… this of course sent him over the edge.

Nicholas actually told me he'd rather be spanked then watch a Carebear Movie. So what did I do? Ran out and bought a few… just incase he is ever really bad. Sigh ~ There's such a fine line between cruelty and creative parenting.

P.s. I just had a deep revelation, holy shit, if Barney is a dinosaur and Barney is satan and Nicholas wants to be a paleontologist… Think about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheheh you said shit hehehehe

19/7/05 4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barney IS Satan

Barney IS a Dinosaur

Nick wants to study dino’s….

OMG!!!! Next thing you know he will want to do other satanic things, like playing that devil’s game, D&D!!!! Somebody will put a curse on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20/7/05 7:39 AM  
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